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(Please use the SKU code below to identify the
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SKU Code: BSB1-00094a &
BSB1-00094b (2 copies)
Title: LDS Conference
Reports - (Apr. 1952)
Edition: 1st
Description: A report of discourses given by the authorities
of the Church at the annual and semi-annual conferences, respectively.
Binding: Medium green paper w/black name on front.
Size: 8vo 7 3/4" to 9 3/4" tall
Date Published: 1952
Book Condition: Very Good++. No marking. Tight and
clean. The slightest of yellowing on edges. Jacket Condition: No dj.
Publisher: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Place Published: SLC, UT
Category: Religious
Pages: 132 w/ index
Price: $14.00 ea. plus shipping and
handling ($3.50 [for 1st one] - continental USA
only). Insurance, Priority, & out of area, extra. Multiple
copies +.50 ea. for S&H. |