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SKU Code: DDBS-00012
Title: First Book of
Author: James E. Talmage
Edition: 2nd
Description: "...matter presented is designed to assist
in the elementary education of the simplest objects of
Nature..." Adopted as a Territorial" school text
book. Additional illustrations in this second ed. Very
Binding: Hard Cover: Green cloth w/embossing and gold gilt on spine.
Size: 12mo 6 3/4" to 7 3/4" tall
Date Published: 1892
Book Condition: Good. All pages in very good condition. Title
page missing. Front and back hinges loose, but attached. Some rubbing and bumping.
Jacket Condition: No dj.
Publisher: T. Co.
Place Published: SLC, UT
Category: Nature text book
Pages: 306
Price: $59.00 plus shipping and handling ($4.00 - continental
USA only). Insurance, Priority, & out of area, extra.