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SKU Code: DDB1-00083
Title: Jorden Rundt
Author: Andrew Jensen (LDS Church Historian)
Edition: 1st.
Description: Flake # 4406. Published in Swedish.
Includes many photos and illustrations. Perfect book for a former
Swedish missionary!
Binding: Hard Cover: Black cloth with gold title on spine.
Embossing on front and back covers.
Size: 8vo 7 3/4" to 9 3/4" tall
Date Published: 1908
Book Condition: Very Good! Slight shelf wear.
Very small section torn from spine towards bottom (where gold gilding
Jacket Condition: No dj.
Place Published: SLC, UT
Category: Religion Pages:
Price: $75.00 + shipping and handling ($4.00
- continental USA only). Insurance,
Priority, & out of area, extra.
(For USA purchases only.
me for more info on these options.)