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SKU Code: DDB1-00090
Title: Mr. Durant of
Salt Lake City, "That Mormon"
Author: Ben E. Rich
Edition: 1st.
Description: A discussion of principles and beliefs of the
Latter-day Saints. "...author...endeavored to present, in plain and
simple words, the faith of the Latter-day Saints, with a desire to aid and
interest the young men of Mormondom, who have had no missionary
Binding: Blue cloth on boards w/gold gilt title on cover
and spine. Embossed cover and back.
Size: 12mo 6 3/4" to 7 3/4" tall
Date Published: 1893
Book Condition: Fair - Good. Shelf worn. Corners
bumped. Some dirt on covers. Front and rear hinges loose, but
in tact. Pages clean and no marking. Pages 280-281:
dirty. Pages 314-315: a little dirty. Pages 317-318 torn and
318 dirty. P. 319 a little dirty. Inscriptions inside front
Jacket Condition: No dj.
Publisher: George Q. Cannon & Sons
Place Published: SLC, UT
Category: Religious
Pages: 320 w/o index
Price: $42.50 plus shipping and
handling ($4.00 - continental USA
only). Insurance, Priority, & out of area, extra.
(For USA purchases only.
Contact me for more
info on these options.)