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SKU Code: DDBS-00023
Title: Pathways to
Happiness, Inspirational Discourses of David O. McKay
Author: compiled by Llewelyn R. McKay
Edition: 6th printing
Description: A discussion of principles to help us focus on
living happier lives.
Binding: Rust and cream cloth on boards, with printed scene
and design on front cover. Spine has printed title. Image of
cover is of the dj.
Size: 8vo 7 3/4" to 9 3/4" tall
Date Published: 1966
Book Condition: VG to Fine. Tight. P. 13 contains some erased
underling and one very light pencil note insertion. No other marking
Jacket Condition: VG colorful dj.
Publisher: Bookcraft Publishers
Place Published: SLC, UT
Category: Religious
Pages: 405 w/ index
Price: $21.77 plus shipping and
handling ($3.50 -
continental USA only). Insurance, Priority, & out of area,
extra.(For USA purchases only. Includes
shipping and PayPal® charge in PayPal® price. Priority or out of area charges not included.
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info on payment options.)