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SKU Code: BSB1-00126
Title: Pure Gold
Author: Keith Elliott Garner
Edition: 1st
Description: A behind-the-scenes look at a builder of the
Kingdom. Bro. Garner describes his testimony, its value, and how it
carried him through a number of significant life experiences.
Binding: Tan hardback 1/2 black with gold gilt title on spine.
Size: 4to 9 3/4" to 12" tall
Date Published: 2003
Book Condition: Fine (new). Tight with no shelf wear.
No underlining or notes in text.
Excellent copy.
Jacket Condition: Fine (new).
Publisher: Promontory Publishing Co.
Place Published: Salt Lake City, UT
Category: Religious Pages: 373 w/ index
Price: $24.77 plus shipping and
handling ($4.00 - continental USA
only). Insurance, Priority, & out of area, extra.(For USA purchases only. Contact us for more
info on payment options.)