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(Please use the SKU code below to identify the
SKU Code: DDB1-00049
Title: Saturday Night Thoughts
Author: Orson F. Whitney
Edition: 1st.
Description: "A series of dissertations on Spiritual,
Historical and Philosophic Themes."
Binding: Burgundy cloth on boards w/gold gilt title on cover
and spine.
Size: 8vo 7 3/4" to 9 3/4" tall
Date Published: 1921
Book Condition: Very Good. Tight and only very slightly shelf
worn. Prior owners inscription inside front cover and on title page.
A very few brief penciled notations here and there in the text.
Jacket Condition: No dj.
Publisher: The Deseret News
Place Published: SLC, UT
Category: Religious
Pages: 323 w/o index
Price: $30.00 plus shipping and handling: $4.00 (continental USA only). Insurance, Priority, & out of area, extra. SOLD |