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SKU Code: WD01-00009
Title: Since Cumorah
Author: Dr. Hugh Nibley
Edition: 1976 printing
Description: The thesis of this book is that the Book of
Mormon is singularly lacking in originality. Why? Because
documents discoveries of recent years vindicate what was not known in
Joseph Smith's day. Dr. Nibley examines many of these sources and
demonstrates the validity of the Book of Mormon when compared to ancient
sources that Joseph Smith did not know about and could not have dreamed
Binding: Designed hardback with design and title on front cover
and and on the spine.
Size: 8vo 7 3/4" to 9 3/4" tall
Date Published: 1976
Book Condition: VG --. Tight, with almost no shelf wear.
No underlining or notes observed in text.
Slight water damage to front cover.
Former owners library imprint on page prior to Title page. Nice copy.
Jacket Condition: Good (see
Publisher: The Deseret Book Co.
Place Published: SLC, UT.
Category: Religious Pages: 451 w/ index
Price: $19.77 plus shipping and
handling ($4.25 - continental USA
only). Insurance, Priority, & out of area, extra.
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