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LDS Books - Sold     
Mormonism & Religion

This area of the Mormon Memorabilia lists items that have been previously sold or withdrawn. Items are arranged in alphabetical title sequence.  Images not scaled. New items are added without notice,so please check back frequently. Items marked in gray are no longer available.

This list contains only LDS books that have been sold or withdrawn. It is for reference only.

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Some Conventions:  (for a more detailed list, click on  the "Book Descriptions" button at the left)
dj = dust jacket.
Ex. Lib. = formerly a library copy
Fair = Fair
G = Good
VG = Very Good
Fine = Fine (Virtually same as off the press.)
1st = First edition books


Kirkham, Francis W., A New Witness for Christ in America, 1942, 1st, Signed by author. $40.00  SKU: BSB1-00043
(Purchase now via PayPal®) SOLD
Kirkham, Francis W., A New Witness for Christ in America, Vol. 2, 1963, 2nd printing, $15.00  SKU: BSBS-00006
Roberts, B. H., A New Witness for God [Vol. 1], George Q. Cannon & Sons, Co., SLC, UT. 1895. 1st.  $20.00  SKU:  BSB1-00044 - SOLD
Anderson, Nephi, A Young Folks History of the Church, G. Q. Cannon Sons, SLC, UT.  Flake # 153.  1900. 1st. $50.00  SKU: DDB1-00045.  Scarce Mormon item!
(Purchase now via
  Anderson, Nephi, Added Upon, Bookcraft, SLC, UT, 1963, 22nd, $9.00  SKU:  BT01-00022  VG  SOLD!
  Evans, Richard L., An Open Road (Vol. III of Thoughts for One Hundred Days), Publishers Press, SLC, UT, 1971, 4th, $7.50, SKU:  BSBS-00026 - SOLD

McKay, David O. (Pres.), Ancient Apostles, Deseret Union Sunday School Board, SLC, UT, 1969, $7.50 F, SKU: BSBS-00014  - SOLD
  Lundwall, N. B., Assorted Gems of Priceless Value, Bookcraft, SLC, UT.  1947  $19.00  SKU: BSBS-00005 SOLD

Lundwall, N. B., Assorted Gems of Priceless Value, Bookcraft, SLC, UT.  1947  $21.00  SKU: BSBS-00019  (includes worn dj) SOLD


Lamb, Stephen E. and Brinley, Douglas E., Between Husband and Wife, Covenant Communications, American Fork, UT, 2000, 1st, $10.00, SKU:  BT01-00028  No longer available.
SOLD The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ka Buke A Mormamona (The Book of Mormon - Hawaiian version), Deseret News, SLC, UT, 1905 pulpit edition size, Flake # 730.  $850 $750 $650 (Price slashed! Again!)  (compare at $900). VERY RARE!  SKU: WL01-00001
(Purchase now via PayPal®) SOLD
  Stewart, Ora Pate, Branches Over the Wall, Zion's Printing and Publishing Co., Independence, MO 1975. $4.75  SKU: BT01-00015 SOLD


Dyer, Alvin R., Challenge, The, Deseret Book Co., SLC, UT. 1977 2nd ed. $8.00  SKU: DDBS-00021  SOLD
  Dyer, Alvin R., Challenge, The, Deseret Book, Deseret Book, SLC, UT, 1966, 3rd, $10.00  SKU:  BSBS-00020  SOLD
  Dyer, Alvin R., Challenge, The, Deseret Book Co., SLC, UT. 1976 9th printing $10.00  VG+/Fair SKU: BSBS-00013  SOLD
  Dyer, Alvin R., Challenge, The, Deseret Book Co., SLC, UT. 1971 7th printing $10.00  VG+ SKU: BT01-00030  No longer available.
  Dyer, Alvin R., Challenge, The, Deseret Book Co., SLC, UT. 1976 9th printing $12.50  F, SKU: BT01-00031No longer available.
  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Children's Friend (bound) vol. 15, Deseret News, SLC, UT.  1916  $32.50 SKU: DDB1-00095  - (also listed under periodicalsRare in bound format.
(Purchase now via PayPal®) SOLD
Roberts, B. H., Comprehensive History of the Church, A, Vols. 1-6, plus index, in box, BYU Press, Provo, UT, 1976 printing, $37.50  SKU: DDBS-00065 - SOLD


Worth, Grant A., Do Your Prayers Bounce Off the Ceiling, Desert Book, SLC, UT, 1985, 3rd, $7.77, SKU: BSBS-00035, VG/VG-

McConkie, Bruce R., Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, I, Bookcraft, SLC, UT, 1981, 15th, $15.77, SKU: BSBS-00044,
(Purchase now via PayPal®) SOLD

McConkie, Bruce R., Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, II, Bookcraft, SLC, UT, 1975, 7th, $14.77, SKU: BSBS-00045
(Purchase now via PayPal®) SOLD
  Widtsoe, John A., Discourses of Brigham Young1st.  VG.
  West, Franklin, Discovering the Old Testament, LDS Dept. of Education, SLC, UT, 1950, 1st, $5.00, SKU: BT01-00027  Fair  No longer available.

Reynolds, George & Sjodahl, Janne M., Doctrine and Covenants Commentary, Deseret Book Co., SLC, UT, 1970, $15.77, SKU:  BSBS-00053  SOLD
  Smith, Joseph Fielding, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol.1, Bookcraft, SLC, UT, 1954, Trade paperback, $sold as a set only,  SKU: BT01-00019 - SOLD
  Smith, Joseph Fielding, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol.2, Bookcraft, SLC, UT, 1955, Trade paperback, $sold as a set only, SKU: BT01-00033 - SOLD
  Smith, Joseph Fielding, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol.3, Bookcraft, SLC, UT, 1956, Trade paperback, $sold as a set only, SKU: BT01-00034 - SOLD
  Purchase the above three volumes of Doctrines of Salvation as a set and save $2.00.  Set priced at:  $11.50 + S&H - SOLD




Black, Hugh, Friendship, Fleming H. Revell Co., Cambridge, USA, 1903 3rd.  Not an LDS book, but this was from the private library of President Levi Edgar Young, one of the 7 Presidents of 70 in the LDS Church, from 1910 until his death.  $19.00  SKU:  SLBS-00003  SOLD
  Wilkins, Olive McFate, From Cumorah's Lonely Hill, Deseret News Press, SLC, UT. 1950, 1st.  $16.00  SKU: SLB1-00021 - SOLD


Ward, Elder J. H., Gospel Philosophy, The Juvenile Instructor Office, SLC, UT, 1884, 1st, $34.77  SKU: WD01-00005, Fair - SOLD
  Hunter, Milton R., Gospel Sermonettes, Bookcraft, SLC, UT 1953 5th ed., $8.50, SKU: DDBS-00106 SOLD
  Hunter, Milton R., Gospel Through the Ages, The, Stevens & Wallis, SLC, UT.  1946, 4th printing.,  $12.50  SKU: BT01-00025 - SOLD


  Beeley, Glenn Johnson, Handicrafts for Everywoman, National Women's Relief Society, SLC, UT. 1935. 1st. $18.00 SKU: DDB1-00093 SOLD

Howells, Rulon S., His Many Mansions, Ensign Press, Glendale, CA, 1940, 8th Ed. (misspelled Eigth), $16.50, SKU: BSBS-00015, VG-F/G+ - SOLD

Packer, Boyd K., Holy Temple, The, Bookcraft, SLC, UT, 1980, 1st, $13.50  SKU: BT01-00029 No longer available.

Skousen, Max B., How to Pray and Stay Awake, Bookcraft Publishers, SLC, UT, n.d. 7th, $7.77, SKU: BSBS-00043, VG+
(Purchase now via PayPal®) - SOLD





Journal of Discourses, 26 volumes and index.  Reprinted by Olive Leaf Books, $(see details) SKU:  BT01-00040. SOLD OUT


Alward, Benjamin, Know the Bible, Deseret Book Co., SLC, UT, 1957, 7th, $12.77, SKU: BSBS-00039, VG+


Jensen, Andrew, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, Vol. 1, Andrew Jenson History Co., SLC, UT. 1901. 1st. $155 (price reduced).  SKU: BSB1-00041 SOLD
Jensen, Andrew, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, Andrew Jenson History Co., SLC, UT. 1914. 1st. $155 (price reduced).  SKU: BSB1-00042 SOLD


Smith, Joseph Fielding, Man ...His Origin and Destiny, Deseret Book, SLC, UT, 1954, 1st, $37.77, SKU: WD01-00010, VG -
(Purchase now via PayPal®)
  Peterson, Mark E., Marriage, Covenants & Conflicts, Bookcraft, SLC, UT, 1977, 1st, $10.50  SKU: BT01-00024  VG No longer available.
  Yorgason, Blaine M., Massacre at Salt Creek, Doubleday & Co, NY, 1979, 1st, $12.50, SKU: DDB1-00162 - SOLD
Taylor, Pres. John, Mediation and Atonement, The, Deseret News Publishing Co., SLC, UT.  1892.  (paperback)  2nd  $125.00.  Appears to have belonged to Eliza R. Snow.  SKU:  LSBS-00002  Very Rare  (Purchase now via PayPal®) - SOLD

Nibley, Preston, Missionary Experiences, Deseret News Press, SLC, UT, 1942 1st, $11.00, SKU: WD01-00008, VG -
(Purchase now via PayPal®) - SOLD
Naifeh, Steven, and Smith Gregory White, Mormon Murders, The, New American Library (Penguin Books), NY, 1989 paperback reprint (1st), $2.00, SKU: DDB1-00146 (Warning:  This book is critical of the LDS Church.  Reviews indicate inaccuracies.) PULLED
Howells, Rulon S., Mormon Story, The, Bookcraft, SLC, UT.  1964. 21st ed.  $14.00 SKU: DDBS-00042 - SOLD
Millville [UT] History Book Committee, Millville Memories, Providence, UT.  1990 1st. $49.00 SKU: BSB1-00038 (Non-LDS, but LDS related)  - SOLD

Wells, Emmeline B., Musings and Memories, The Deseret News, SLC, UT. 1915 2nd. ed. $22.50  SKU: DDBS-00015 SOLD




Overland Trail, From the Golden Gate to the Great Salt Lake, The (pictorial), np nd (1923) $25.00 G-  SKU: DDB1-00121, believed to be a 1st. (Non-LDS) - SOLD


Smith, Joseph, Pearl of Great Price, The Deseret News Company, SLC, UT.  1888.  $SOLD SKU: DDBS-00013  Very Rare - Priced below value  -- SOLD
  Lambert, George C., Precious Memories, 16th book of the Faith Promoting Series, 1914.  1st, $SOLD  SKU: DDB1-00086
Widtsoe, John A., Priesthood and Church Government, Deseret Book Co, SLC, UT. 1939. 1st. $25.00 Very Good.  SKU: BSB1-00035 SOLD
  Widtsoe, John A., Priesthood and Church Government, Deseret Book Co, SLC, UT. 1965. $17.50 Very Good.  SKU: DDBS-00108 SOLD

Bennion, Adam S., Principles of Teaching, The General Boards of the Auxiliary Organizations of the Church, SLC, UT. 1955. $9.50 SKU: DDBS-00018 SOLD



Smith, Joseph Fielding, Restoration of All Things, The, The Deseret News Press, SLC, UT. 1944/5 1st. $15.00 Almost fine.  SKU: BSB1-00039 - SOLD


  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Hymns), George Teasdale, Liverpool, England.  1890.  20th Ed.  $240.00  SKU:  DDBS-00004 - RARE!    SOLD
Saturday Night Thoughts image Whitney, Orson F., Saturday Night Thoughts, Deseret News, SLC, UT. 1st Ed. (1921). Flake # 9781. Excellent condition, with slight shelf wear. Gold gilt on red cloth $30.00  SKU: DDB1-00049 - SOLD

Covey, Stephen R., Spiritual Roots of Human Relations, Deseret Book Co., SLC, UT, 1977, 2nd, $7.50, SKU:  BT01-00032  No longer available.
  Hinckley, Pres. Gordon B., Standing for Something, Three Rivers Press, NY, $11.50, SKU: BT01-00023, F- Withdrawn

Nelson, Lee, Storm Testament, The, Liberty Press, Orem, UT, 1983, 3rd prt., $8.00, SKU: DDBS-00061  SOLD

Nelson, Lee, Storm Testament II, The, Liberty Press, Orem, UT, 1983, 2nd prt., $8.00, SKU: DDBS-00062  SOLD

Nelson, Lee, Storm Testament III, The, Liberty Press, Orem, UT, 1984, 1st, $10.00, SKU: DDB1-00126  SOLD

Nelson, Lee, Storm Testament IV, The, Council Press, Mapleton, UT, 1988, 3rd, $12.00, SKU: DDBS-00063  SOLD
Nelson, Lee, Storm Testament V, The, Council Press, Mapleton, UT, 1987, 3rd, $9.50  SKU: DDBS-00064  SOLD

Nelson, Lee, Storm Testament VI, Rockwell, The, Council Press, Mapleton, UT, 1988, 1st, $10.00  SKU: DDB1-00127  SOLD
Nelson, Lee, The above set of 6 Storm Testaments, if ordered together:  $50.00 + $8.00 S&H  SOLD


  Lundwall, N. B., Temples of the Most High, Bookcraft, SLC, UT., 1949, 7th $18.00, SKU: DDBS-00059 VG-F - SOLD
  Lundwall, N. B., Temples of the Most High, Bookcraft, SLC, UT., 1949, 7th $10.00, SKU: DDBS-00060 Fair - Good

Doxey, Roy W., Tithing The Lord's Law, Deseret Book Co., SLC, UT., 1976, 1st, $14.50  SKU: BSB1-00095, F/F - SOLD













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